The Global Fund’s Secretariat is responsible for day-to-day operations, including mobilizing resources from the public and private sectors,

The Global Fund has retained the services of a Local Fund Agent (the LFA,) to perform certain functions on behalf of the Global Fund, including:

From time to time, the Principal Recipient may, under all Agreements, provide Grant funds to other entities to carry out Program activities,

The Global Fund entered into a Program Grant Agreement with the Principal Recipient (PR). The PR is a legal entity validly existing under the laws of the

Welcome to the Ministry of Finance-

Project Management Unit

We contribute in the fight against HIV/AIDS and TB

The role of PMU is to support national priorities identified in the NSP by providing financial and technical support. The support provided targets the financial and programmatic gaps of the national multisectoral response. This support helps to improve coverage, demand creation, systems strengthening, and equitable distribution, access and utilisation of services.


The Ministry of Finance was appointed as a Principal Recipient in 2003. In 2004, the PR established the PMU as its operational arm with the core function of receiving, disbursing, monitoring and reporting on the Global Fund grants performance.

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About PMU

Our Strategic Orientation

The mandate of PMU is to efficiently manage (receive, disburse, monitor and report) the Global Fund grants for HIV/AIDS, and Tuberculosis in Lesotho.

The Vision of PMU is to contribute to zero new HIV infections and improved quality of life of people living and affected by HIV and AIDS, and TB.

The mission of PMU is to strengthen the financial and technical capacity of sub recipients to plan and implement high impact HIV and AIDS….


In carrying out its mandate PMU will be guided by the following principles:

Efficiency and effectiveness – PMU will endeavour to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery to sub-recipients and advocate for the sub recipients to do the right things, the right way, at the right time and in a good scale to achieve desired results through high impact interventions.

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The Ambassador of France to South Africa and Lesotho undertakes field visits to the Global Fund and UNITAID supported project sites in Lesotho

The Ambassador of France to South Africa and Lesotho, His Excellency Mr. Christophe Farnaud who visited Lesotho from the 6th to 7th March 2019, says he appreciates the important role played by the Government of Lesotho in preventing and treating HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) in the Mountain Kingdom. The Ambassador who was accompanied by the […]

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